Criminal Defense
In Criminal Court proceedings following an arrest by police, the person in custody is held until such time as they appear before a judge in the Criminal or District Court at their arraignment. Typically, the defendant will plead not guilty to the crimes and/or violations with which they are charged; the court will either release the defendant on their own recognizance or set bail conditions for their release. At an arraignment where the complainant and the defendant have a certain family relationship or have had prior intimate involvement, a temporary order of protection is usually issued on terms to be determined by the arraignment judge.

If you are charged with a crime or violation stemming from an alleged domestic violence incident, you will need representation in Criminal Court. It is essential that you hire a firm that is sensitive to Family Law issues, as rights relating to child custody, visitation, and economic matters can be affected by these proceedings.
New York City and Long Island divorce attorney David Dikman started his career as a criminal prosecutor and continues to represent individuals in Criminal Court who have been charged with domestic violence related crimes. He has successfully tried cases in which the Defendant has been acquitted and exonerated of all charges.